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Showing posts from November, 2017

blog 2.5 Lisa Murkowski

1. (R-AK) Murkowski and Susan Collins (R-ME) 2.  She told Roll Call she would consider voting for the bill if the Senate also passed a bipartisan Obamacare stabilization bill — then walked it back a few hours later. A few days later, she wrote an op-ed for a local newspaper declaring she supported repealing the individual mandate. But then her office said the same day that did not necessarily mean she would support the tax overhaul. 3.a provision that could allow oil drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Natural Refuge. 4. It has been a long-held dream of Alaska politicians for the revenue it would bring to the state. 5.Alaska, one of the states that did expand Medicaid under Obamacare, has seen its uninsured rate fall from 18.9 percent to 11.7 percent under the health care law. While Murkowski is still a Republican, and therefore still has problems with the law, she didn’t want to see those gains reversed. The Republican plans were projected to hit her state, which already has the highe

blog 2.4 looking ahead to 2018

1. 14 2. 3 3. It is historically normal, but not this early in the race. 4. The discrepancy in retirements between the two parties suggests that many Republicans fear a backlash against their party due to President Donald Trump’s poor approval rating. And that fear will only be exacerbated by sweeping Democratic victories in Virginia’s recent elections. 5. They're facing danger because of the negative outlook on Trump's presidency, and all sins point to democratic wave. 6.“incumbency advantage" They’re more likely to win, and open seats are more likely to flip to the other party than are seats where an incumbent is running again are. 7.It’s likely to help Democratic recruiting too, as potentially strong candidates are often more willing to run in an open-seat contest than to take on an incumbent. 8.In more-or-less neutral congressional years without a big wave for one party or the other, FairVote finds the incumbency advantage has recently been somewhere between 3 p

blog 2.3 Covering President Trump in a Polarized Media Enviroment

1. Outlets with a right-leaning audience cited fewer types of sources in their reporting, offered more positive and fewer negative evaluations of President Donald Trump and his administration, and had reporters who were less likely to challenge something the president said than outlets whose audience leans to the left or those with a more evenly distributed audience. 2. left-leaning audience and 62% from those with a more mixed audience included at least two of nine types of sources evaluated, such as a member of the administration, a member of Congress, or an outside expert. That was true, however, of less than half the stories (44%) from outlets with a right-leaning audience.outlets whose audience leans right of center were less likely to include Trump and his administration, outside experts or interest groups as sources. They were also about half as likely to include voices from both Democratic and Republican members of Congress 3.They were also at least three times less likely to

blog 2.2 The Media Really Has Neglected Puerto Rico

1. a health care bill that failed to pass, a primary election in Alabama, and a spat between the president and sports players, just to name a few. Last Sunday alone, after President Trump’s tweets about the NFL, the phrase “national anthem” was said in more sentences on TV news than “Puerto Rico” and “Hurricane Maria” combined. 2.Maria was mentioned about 1,500 times less and Puerto Rico was mentioned 3,500 times less than Texas. 3. .3% times less mentions of Maria and 2% less of Puerto Rico was mentioned. 4. The BBC and CNN 5.Puerto Rico’s status as a territory is one reason for both the lack of news coverage and delays in the delivery of aid. 6.People will not feel as if this hurricane is very important, and may lessen the need for support for Puerto Rico. 7.The media does not cover it as much because the President has not spent any time on helping the situation, and its status as a territory. 8. They called for more attention so they can recieve more aid. 9. They think it wo