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blog 2.5 Lisa Murkowski

1. (R-AK) Murkowski and Susan Collins (R-ME)
2.  She told Roll Call she would consider voting for the bill if the Senate also passed a bipartisan Obamacare stabilization bill — then walked it back a few hours later. A few days later, she wrote an op-ed for a local newspaper declaring she supported repealing the individual mandate. But then her office said the same day that did not necessarily mean she would support the tax overhaul.
3.a provision that could allow oil drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Natural Refuge.
4. It has been a long-held dream of Alaska politicians for the revenue it would bring to the state.
5.Alaska, one of the states that did expand Medicaid under Obamacare, has seen its uninsured rate fall from 18.9 percent to 11.7 percent under the health care law. While Murkowski is still a Republican, and therefore still has problems with the law, she didn’t want to see those gains reversed. The Republican plans were projected to hit her state, which already has the highest health care costs in the country, particularly hard.
6. since 1960 would make more money for each alaskan citizen.
8. if she was a trustee she would vote for the bill
as a delegate she would be opposed to the bill
as a partisan she would vote for the bill if modifications were made.
