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blog 1.6: What the Constitution says Berkeley can do when controversial speakers come knocking

1. Lawyers can from Berkeley can navigate through the constitutional maze faster and more accurately.
2."Sure, in principle. But we have to think about some things before we can sign off to this."
3.The organizers approach all situations as "content neutral" so Black Lives Matter and Richard Spencer are treated the same.
4. Groups might not think the alternate location is good enough, but judges decide what is "good enough".
5. Groups must pay for security which includes police overtime pay.
6. Most students of the First Amendment think that the city or university has to cover the costs.
7. You can not incite imminent lawless action.
8. Crowds can shut down a speaker because supporters are no different from jeerers attending the event.
9. Police must protect the violence directed at them. The police must target lawbreakers, but they can shut down a speaker or event to stop violence.
