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Showing posts from February, 2018

blog 3.5 Trump & Circuit Courts

1.  The district court is a trial court within the Ninth Circuit; the appellate court is one step higher on the ladder and oversees all individual districts. 2.  the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the appellate court to which the case proceeds now. (The district court is a trial court within the Ninth Circuit; the appellate court is one step higher on the ladder and oversees all individual districts.) 3. The Court’s reputation arguably derives from its transformation under President Jimmy Carter. While Carter was the only the fourth president to make no appointments to the Supreme Court, he did appoint  15 people to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals , out of 23 judges total at the time. (It’s since expanded.) 4.  Stephen Reinhardt, a Carter appointee who’s still serving, is widely viewed as one of the most liberal appellate judges on federal courts. He wrote the  Ninth Circuit’s opinion  striking down California’s same-sex marriage ban Proposition 8 in 2012, ruled that the Second Ame

blog 3.4 RIP EPA

1. He’s steering the EPA’s work at an agonizingly slow   pace,   delaying and slowing the implementation of laws and running interference for many of the sectors EPA is supposed to regulate. 2.  By stalling, Pruitt can effectively shift policy by doing nothing. If he leaves regulations in limbo or delays their implementation, industries get relief from environmental rules while the EPA retains plausible deniability.   The result is a drastic slowdown in the pace of work at an agency that faces a constant churn of new rules, regulations, enforcement actions, and lawsuits that affect the health, safety, and livelihoods of millions of Americans. 3.  Environmental law enforcement has declined. By September, the Trump administration launched 30 percent fewer cases and collected about  60 percent fewer fines  than in the same period under President Obama. 4.  Pruitt said he’s aiming to take 27 to 30 sites fully or partially off the list this year. the EPA already has tried to roll back at