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Showing posts from August, 2017

We conservatives champion local power. So we must respect the rights of “blue” cities. camryn thompson

1. Conservatives are against illegal immigration and sanctuary cities, but liberals think all immigrants have a right to live in the US. 2. Distributism is the spreading of political control at the local level instead of complete federal control. 3. Conservatives are pro devolution and states rights while liberals want more control at the federal level. 4. Traditionally liberals and conservatives have differed on devolution but recently liberals have begun arguing for it at the city level where they hold more control. 5. Abortion, like many issues, is hard to deal with federally because there is no federal agreement. 6. Moving more decisions to the local level would require a massive rewriting of federal legislation. 7. While conservatives aren't fond of many social programs, they wouldn't make drastic cuts because of the pushback from their voters who depend on those programs. 8. They would appreciate being able to pick and choose states with policies they agree with ra

Blog 1: Why the ACLU defends white nationalists' right to protest - including in Charlottesville

1. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) advocates for the freedom of speech for everyone regardless of the "unsavory" topic. The ACLU believes that the First Amendment right to free speech must be a universal right. Although, the ACLU may not agree with the group and topic at hand; nonetheless, it supports their right to exercise freedom of speech. They argue that standing up for free speech in ALL cases is the necessary work for civil rights. Civil rights without the freedom of speech would be shut down completely by those in power. 2. The city of Charlottesville originally tried to revoke the protest permit of the rally organizers, Jason Kessler, and this presents a problem to the ACLU. The ACLU joined the defense team of Kessler arguing that this infringes on his right to free speech. 3.Liberals have supported the ACLU more this year since Trump took office because they vowed to hold the administration accountable in court. 4. The ACLU argues that the government mi